June 20, 2011

Besties, T.D.F. and Treats

Hi friends!
We are friends, right? I mean, I spend more time with stalking you guys (Honesty is the best policy) than my real-life friends, so we may as well call each other besties! Heeeey Besties!! Ok, here is the memory pail ticket. The “binder clip” clip art (without the quotation marks it would have looked like this: binder clip clip art---couldn’t handle the double clip, sorry) is from www.Justsoscrappytoo.com. Also, I’m not finished with the yellow pail yet, and I honestly don’t know when I will be. HA!  I’m too occupied with www.pinterest.com.  Thanks, Cara! (That was somewhat sarcastic, but mostly sincere.) Speaking of, one of the little pins that I had to “repin” was a rainbow popsicle slushy thingamabobber. (If this is Greek to you, go to that website and explore!!! I mean, that is, if you have a couple extra minutes an extra three-ish hours on your hands.) My aunt’s sixtieth birthday party is at the beginning of July and we are having a family bash. I found TDF treats to make and I had to try to make a small one today. Oh, you don’t know what TDF means? It means To-Die-For. Learn it. Love it. USE IT. When you’re shopping this weekend, turn to your real life bestie and say, “Hey girl! These shoes are T.D.F.!” Then when she looks at you with a confused look and says, “TDF?”  Say, “Ugh, you don’t even speak my language anymore. My bloggy bestie knows me so much better!”  Ok, really, don’t do that. But, I dare you to go shopping with someone and try NOT to have this situation happen in your head. DAREsies! Below will be the picture of the memory pail ticket, the link to the memory pail ticket(except, I just realized I don't know how to do that yet,so whenever I figure it out, it will be up!), and the picture of my TDF slushy treat. Enjoy, besties!

How cute is this treat? It's just popsicles!! Will be
so good for the kadiddles at my aunt's b-day party!

Had to dig in!

The moment may be temporary, but the memory is forever.

June 19, 2011

Blame Cara Carroll...

Well ladies, two things can happen on a sunny Saturday in the middle of June. You can be expected to be at three places at once...ahem....baby shower at 2pm, cousin’s *precious* daughter’s birthday party at 11 am, and a friend’s birthday BBQ at 2pm OR you can find yourself sitting in front of your laptop while all of the aforementioned events are taking place.  WHO. In the world. Would do that?? Not this girl.  Me. I’m so cool. You don’t have to tell me. Blame Cara Carroll. She updated her blog and one click led to another click, that led to text messages to Stacy(without an E---and the “E” stands for Excellentamazingawesomeandcool, so we all know that she’s NOT those things now. You’re welcome for letting you in on that.) Back to Cara, she just HAD to put a link to “pinterest.” Well, I’ve never heard of it, so clearly I had to click on it. OHMYGRACIOUSGOODNESS (Yes, I know most people say, “goodness gracious.”) If you ever want to spend hours looking at things you are going to be obsessed with and want to make, do, cook, buy, then GO TO THAT SITE. Thank goodness I had my handy-dandy-never ever failed me sticky notes right next to me. I just started making lists of every cuteashell thing I saw. Why did I start making lists on sticky notes you ask? Isn’t that the WHOLE point of “pinterest” to PIN things to your page to remind you that you like them,want to make them, want to do them, want to cook them, yougetmydrift?? Yea, well, let me tell you. It’s like some sort of a Vegas nightclub that has a waiting list...an actual waiting list to get in to.  I signed up, eager to start “pinning” away and I get an email saying, “We’ll put you on our waiting list to get an invite to start pinning.” REALLY? Surely I didn’t just read that right. So, now I’m just waiting  impatiently patiently for my invite to this web.........site?   I guess I’ll stick to sticky notes until then. So, one thing that I loved that Cara had pinned was a memory jar. I’ll post the picture below. You could use the idea for your family or for your classroom. Cara’s idea was to write family memories from the year and read the memories from the jar on New Year’s Eve to reminisce with the fam. She also wrote how you could use it in your classroom by writing/having the kids write memories throughout the year and then reading them on the last day of school. CUH-UTE! Sold!  Ten days into summer and I’m planning for next year’s last day. Sounds logical. Next thing you know, I’m at Michael’s looking for the perfect jar that I can decorate and make cuteashell. I walk in, like LITERALLY didn’t even get to the sensor door thingy that opens into craft heaven when I saw these cute, bright-colored, CHEAP sand pail/buckets. One dollar make you holler! Oh yea, I forgot to mention my classroom is Hawaiian slash beach themed. When I saw these sand pails, I quickly dismissed the idea of the glass jar and decided I had to make a “Memory Pail,” if you will. (And I think you will.)  Mission: Make it cute. Remember people, I mentioned in my last post that I’m not “make everything cute” by nature. I’m far from it. Let’s say if there was a scale of making everything cute, my fellow blogger Stacy (yea, the one who hasn’t blogged yet because she’s been too busy planning a family party and making EVERYTHING cuteashell.  You should see the pictures, folks. CUH to the UTE.) Anyway, if there was a scale, she’d be a 10 and I’d be a 4.5, and I’m being  very generous. What I’m really saying is, I’m going to post a picture of my Memory Pail and it’s not near as cute as what her finished product would be, but I’m still proud of it because I’m learning and growing and I’m MAKING PROGRESS!! That’s what we want from our kids, right?? J I grabbed a couple of pails and really had no idea what I wanted to do with them since I JUST found the steal of a deal. My original plan had to be thrown out the window.  I walked around looking for something to catch my eye, but ended up at the scrapbook sticker/adhesive aisle. I found some packs of stickers that would be cute and went with it! I’m also going to make slips of paper to put by the pail. I’m thinking about working this in with Daily 5- Work on Writing. I’ll post the slips I make on the next post BECAUSE I’m not done with them yet and really wanted to have a second post for our newashell  blog I’m going to post something else in a day or two. Hint: It will be the reason for sand pail #2 that I bought today. Anyway ladies, the point of this post is just to give you a fun little idea for your classroom. (And mostly so I’m not the only weird one planning something for the last day of school NEXT year.)  Think about how you could make it fit your theme...if you have one.  I’d love to hear your ideas. Also, I think it’s funny that I woke up today with plans to do drive-bys at three parties and instead got rejected put on a waiting list for a website, spent way too much time on said website, made an impromptu trip to Michaels, and had a finished product(well I still have to make the slips) of something hopefully my new kiddos will enjoy all school year! Have a great Sunday and Happy Father’s Day!!!

--StacE(xcellentamazingawesomeandcool)y OUT!

Memory Jar

Memory Pail  (This picture is taken 137 years from now.)

Side View

June 14, 2011

Introducing StacEy, with an E...

StacEy. Twenty-five. Zero husbands. Zero kids. First Grade Teacher. One year of experience.
It was a year ago when I first met, what I call now, my twin separated at birth. I was scared to death of interviews. I nervously walked into a room with the principal of the school and three of the teammates that I would be working with if I was offered the job. She sat to my right and had a smile that put me at ease. We laughed, I cried, and I left feeling confident. A teacher I had done a lot of subbing for always told me I would just know when an interview went well and I would have a “feeling” after I left if I was going to get the job. I had A feeling, but I didn’t know if it was THE feeling . About three hours later, my phone rang and I saw that it was the District Administrative Offices. I immediately walked outside on my deck, because no matter what the news was, I was clearly going to need some fresh air.  I didn’t know if I was going to hang up the phone crying and feeling hopeless or if I needed the deck as a platform to scream to the world that I got offered my dream job! Either way, I would be prepared! At the end of my interview when the principal asked if I had any questions for her or the team members who were grilling me, I said laughingly, “Actually, Yes. When do I start?!?” Luckily, it was the right crowd, and they laughed too. Fast forward to the phone call... It was the voice of the superintendent on the other end and she said the normal hi and how are you. I answered, but my heart was skipping beats and I was sweating, obviously. She said, “Well I have the answer to your question that you asked at the end of your interview today.” I answered innocently, “What question?” She replied, “When you start. You start August 9th.”  “SHUT UPPP!!! Are you serious?!?”  Yes, I told the superintendent to SHUT.UP.  Clearly, I’m great at first impressions. I heard laughter on the other end, followed by, “Well, you’re the first person to ever tell me to shut up, Stacey.” I apologized, listened (kind of) to the information she gave me(I was trying to figure out who to call first!), and then hung up and stared into space in disbelief, relief, and excitement. I walked inside and told my dad, and brother, who happened to be randomly stopping by, “I got the job! I’m a freaking real-life teacher!!!!”  Word travels fast when you have a big mouth and your family and friends have ones to match! My phone was blowing up for the next hour and I couldn’t have been happier to share the best news I had ever gotten in my life. I was ready to change the world! Ha ha.
        Later that day, I get a text from a random number telling me she would be my mentor and her name was Stacy.  (She spells it wrong, but it’s not her fault.) Anyway, we met at school a couple of days later and she had a cuteashell, that’s CUTE.AS.HELL, not CUTE. A. SHELL. binder made for me with my name and favorite colors and of course it was perfectly done. Confession: I have never been someone that has had a knack for doing anything cute-sy. I’ll never forget when she broke the news to me as we were sitting at the computer in the lab, “Our team is the kind of team who will spend hours looking for the right clip art for a smart notebook slide. I hope you’re like that too.” Pa-pa-pa-pardon? Did this bitch just say HOURS…..looking for clip art? I’m pretty sure I gave a neutral laugh so she wouldn’t be able to tell if I was frightened or if I was ONE OF THEM. I was NOT one of them, but she was NOT going to find that out just yet. We just met for goodness sake. I needed to win her over with my charm before I let her know that I was going to need major help in the making everything cuteashell department.
Alright, fast forward to September. At this point, I think my team is full of super human women. They have husbands. They have kids. They are way better at their job than I am. How did they find the time to do everything so perfectly??!? I was practically living at school at night and going home in time to go to bed and get up and do it all again the next day. I was barely keeping my head above water and they were soooo much better at everything! (Insert 20th day of school breakdown somewhere around here, but we won’t talk about that. My team HAD to think I was a shitforbrains. Embarrassing! ) Back to the Stac(E)y’s. Sometime early in the year, Stacy and I realized we were going to be good friends and we shared similar and passionate views on our classrooms, correctly spelled words, music, reality tv contestants, and people in general.  The latter two being the most important, obviously. I kid, I kid. Anyway, somewhere along the way, I changed from not caring if something was copied a little bit crooked to...... one of them.  I started spending obscene amounts of time looking for the perfect font, the perfect clip art, the perfect border to put on notes sent home, the perfect everything. I wanted everything to be cuteashell. Around the middle of the year, Stacy (thank you baby Jesus)  shared top secret information with me. Ya know, the type of information that if she told me, she would have to kill me. Thank the lawd she doesn’t have the murderer bone in her body. She let me in on, as we jealously lovingly refer to them now as, “The bitches.”  The bitches are all of you. All of you bloggettes out in bloggerville who have inspired us to start our very own blog. I spent countless hours jumping from one blog to the next and pinning them to the home screen on my phone. This is when we first started saying we were separated at birth. We would call or text each other at random times during the week or the weekend and tell each other to check out something on one of your blogs and the other one had JUST got done reading it or had JUST got done printing out whatever it was. This happened NUMEROUS times and continues to happen on a regular basis, so we say we are separated at birth and this is how we came to be Stac(E)y Squared, hence the name, “Hip 2 be Squared.”